list  |  cards
Cover image of Wye Valley Canoe

Wye Valley Canoe

Aug 2024  |  Wye Valley, United Kingdom

8h11m  |  →41.6km  |  9m↑

Cover image of South West Sauna Safari

South West Sauna Safari

July 2024  |  South West, United Kindgom

5 days  |  →380.1km  |  6387m↑

Cover image of Serra del Cavall Bernat

Serra del Cavall Bernat

Oct 2023  |  Port de Pollença, Mallorca

05h42m  |  →9.7km  |  601m↑

Cover image of Gower Marathon

Gower Marathon

Sept 2023  |  Gower, United Kindgom

05h52m  |  →43.8km  |  1008m↑

Cover image of The Cambrian Way - ongoing

The Cambrian Way - ongoing

Sept 2023  |  Wales, United Kindgom

11 days  |  →366.8km  |  12912m↑

Cover image of New Forest Tour

New Forest Tour

Sept 2023  |  New Forest, United Kingdom

03h31m  |  →75km  |  400m↑

Cover image of Blencathra via Sharp Edge and Hall's Fell Ridge

Blencathra via Sharp Edge and Hall's Fell Ridge

Jun 2023  |  Lake District, United Kingdom

02h19m  |  →8km  |  672m↑

Cover image of Cam Crag Ridge

Cam Crag Ridge

May 2023  |  Lake District, United Kindgom

04h30m  |  →13km  |  765m↑

Cover image of Striding Edge and Swirral Edge

Striding Edge and Swirral Edge

May 2023  |  Lake District, United Kingdom

03h07m  |  →12km  |  826m↑

Cover image of Alex Knob Track

Alex Knob Track

Jan 2023  |  Franz Josef Glacier, New Zealand

04h56m  |  →18.8km  |  1186m↑

Cover image of Mount Bealey to Avanlanche Peak Traverse

Mount Bealey to Avanlanche Peak Traverse

Jan 2023  |  Arthur's Pass, New Zealand

07h56m  |  →12.8km  |  1547m↑

Cover image of Cat Bells Loop

Cat Bells Loop

Jun 2022  |  Lake District, United Kindgom

05h58m  |  →18km  |  764m↑

Cover image of Ben Nevis via Càrn Mòr Dearg Arête

Ben Nevis via Càrn Mòr Dearg Arête

Jun 2022  |  Lochaber, United Kindgom

08h29m  |  →17.9km  |  1467m↑

Cover image of Cadair Idris

Cadair Idris

Apr 2022  |  Snowdonia, United Kindgom

09h41m  |  →35.4km  |  1831m↑

Cover image of Quantock Hills

Quantock Hills

Feb 2022  |  Quantock Hills, United Kindgom

05h11m  |  →26.2km  |  737m↑

Cover image of Black Mountain Overnight

Black Mountain Overnight

Nov 2021  |  Brecon Beacons, United Kingdom

05h10m  |  →21.0km  |  502m↑

Cover image of Garbh Choire Refuge

Garbh Choire Refuge

Oct 2021  |  Cairngorms, United Kindgom

10h44m  |  →36.4km  |  2457m↑

Cover image of Ben Nevis via Càrn Mòr Dearg Arête

Ben Nevis via Càrn Mòr Dearg Arête

Oct 2021  |  Lochaber, United Kindgom

06h32m  |  →18.8km  |  1543m↑

Cover image of Carneddau Plateau

Carneddau Plateau

Sep 2021  |  Snowdonia, United Kingdom

06h12m  |  →30.2km  |  1467m↑

Cover image of Cwm Bochlwyd Horseshoe

Cwm Bochlwyd Horseshoe

Aug 2021  |  Snowdonia, United Kindgom

07h13m  |  →16.1km  |  1497m↑

Cover image of The Rhinogydd (The Rhinogs)

The Rhinogydd (The Rhinogs)

Jul 2021  |  Snowdonia, United Kindgom

06h19m  |  →18.7km  |  1211m↑

Cover image of Snowdon Horseshoe via Grib Goch

Snowdon Horseshoe via Grib Goch

Jul 20121  |  Snowdonia, United Kindgom

06h10m  |  →16.64km  |  1212m↑

Cover image of St Ives Coastpath

St Ives Coastpath

Jun 2021  |  Cornwall, United Kindgom

03h46m  |  →19.20km  |  670m↑

Cover image of Black Mountains Loop

Black Mountains Loop

Jun 2021  |  Brecon Beacons, United Kingdom

04h34m  |  →27.5km  |  1036m↑

Cover image of A Wainwrights Round

A Wainwrights Round

Sep 2020  |  Lake District, United Kindgom

30 days  |  →588km  |  32900m↑

Cover image of Pen Y Fan Horseshoe

Pen Y Fan Horseshoe

Aug 2020  |  Brecon Beacons, United Kindgom

05h49m  |  →24.6km  |  979m↑

Cover image of Snowdon via Pyg Track and South Ridge

Snowdon via Pyg Track and South Ridge

Jun 2019  |  Snowdonia, United Kindgom

05h37m  |  →13.36km  |  825m↑