Cover image of Striding Edge and Swirral Edge

Striding Edge and Swirral Edge

May 2023  |  Lake District, United Kingdom

03h07m  |  →12km  |  826m↑

Day-Hike  |  GPX

Walking up and away from Glenridding
Looking down towards Patterdale Valley
Lovely Ullswater in the sun
The Striding Edge and Swirral Edge Horseshoe ahead, hugging around Red Tarn
Approaching the Striding Edge ridge
The ridge, ready for walking
Red Tarn
'In memory of Robert Dixon of Rooking, Patterdale who was killed on this spot on the 27th day of November 1858 following the Patterdale Foxhounds'
Some rock to scramble over
Blocked by a Herdwick
More scrambling...
'The Chimney'. I went up and down this a few times to practice and gain confidence. There's a load of fun routes up and down!
Tried some routes on the steeper left here too
Striding Edge complete
Summit Sheep
The flat top of Helvellyn.
Moving towards Catstycam
Swirral Edge below. I'd been here 3 years previously on a horribly windy and wet day, planning to go down Swirral. I'd read online that it can be fatally slippy on a wet day, so I gave it a miss! Glad to finally get to it - it was fairly simple
Across Red Tarn to Striding Edge
A look back up the Swirral Edge scramble. I considered going back up and over both routes, but the pub was calling.
After a stop in the Ramblers Bar, I hiked back up to camp overlooking Ullswater.
A nice way to wake up.
Followed by a dip in Ullswater.
